We’ve helped millions of travellers around the world plan amazing trips. We’re ready to help you, too.

At HotelsCombined, we know that booking travel online isn't easy, but we believe it should be. We do the work of scanning hundreds of travel websites, looking for “deals” for you - so that you can spend more time enjoying your trip than planning it. And we get it - at the end of the day, you want to be sure that what you booked is right for you (and at a great price). That’s where we come in - the same passion and energy we brought to helping you make decisions on what hotel, flight or car to book, is what’s letting us help you plan your entire trip.

How it works

It’s all about our tech - we cut through availability and prices from the top travel websites, including Booking.com, Europcar, Expedia, TravelUp, enterprise, Hotels.com, Agoda, mytrip.com, AccorHotels, Hilton and many more. In one quick and easy search, we show you only the information you want and need to know - so you can find exactly what you're after.

Best priceguarantee

Listen, we back up our claims. Our promise to you is that we’ll find you the best hotel deals from around the world. We also guarantee to find you the best price on your hotel. Find a cheaper rate after you've booked your hotel with a site listed on HotelsCombined? We'll refund you the difference. It’s that simple.

World Travel Awards - Winner 2021

Our team

We’re kind of a big deal - as in, big deal hunters. Even though we’re a tech company with a global team spread around the world - we’re all united by our love of travel - and our obsession with finding amazing travel deals. We work every day to get it right, by continually improving our tech, using data and logic to drive decisions, and keeping an eye on what’s important in life (which includes having a bit of fun).

This is us

Want to partner with us?

Our industry-leading platform can be customised and integrated into your website, blog or mobile app. Partnering with us will earn you incremental revenue while helping your users get the best hotel, flight and car hire deals. Find out more:

For affiliates

If you own or manage a hotel, we can help you with your marketing. Let us get you more direct bookings, own the relationship with your guests, build your brand and lower your distribution costs. Find out more:

For hoteliers

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Cheap flights, hotels, car rental and travel deals:

HotelsCombined searches hundreds of other travel sites at once to find the best deals on airline tickets, cheap hotels, holidays and hire cars.